Canada's Ecofiscal Commission

“Working with Monica was a real pleasure. She helped us identify appropriate and customized options for our goals and objectives, and then to flesh out the most viable option. To date we've held one event and have three more planned for this fall, and everything is running smoothly thanks to Monica's thorough planning.”

~Chris Ragan
Chair, Canada's Ecofiscal Commission

It was a pleasure to work with Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission. We started with a goal of identifying opportunities to increase fundraising. Through various working sessions we established criteria for success including the requirement that any new activities work to enhance the impact of the commission and reinforce the independent, solutions oriented brand.

We analyzed impact drivers and a breadth of opportunities, assessing each one against success criteria. Through this process, we identified Ecofiscal Salons as an opportunity to convene leaders, support the advancement of Ecofiscal recommendations and advance fundraising efforts. With this as our focus area, we developed a strategy and implementation plan that has enabled the commission to start rolling out salons across the country.

The Natural Step

“Monica very ably helped The Natural Step advance our work in a highly dynamic period of our development. Her contributions helped us establish our priorities and reach important milestones amidst a complex set of possibilities, partnerships and opportunities.”

~Chad Park
Chief Innovation Officer, Director, Energy Futures Lab

I very much valued the opportunity to work with The Natural Step team on innovative and transformational environmental initiatives. Over a four month period, I provided a breadth of support ranging from proposal development on the Circular Economy Innovation Lab and fundraising advancement on the Energy Futures Lab to research, project management and stakeholder engagement on the Natural Capital Lab.

Through participation in team meetings, independent work as well as engagement of potential partners, I was able to support TNS in moving critical initiatives forward.